AVIF to ICO Converter - beta

Convert AVIF images to ICO format with multiple icon sizes in a single file. Perfect for creating website favicons, application icons, and desktop shortcuts. Check also BMP to ICO, JPG to ICO and PNG to ICO conversions.

Drag & Drop your AVIF file here

or click to browse!

Processing: 0%

Conversion completed successfully!

File name: | File size:

Adjusts compression level, anti-aliasing, and edge sharpness. Higher quality means better-looking icons but larger file sizes. Lower quality can produce smaller files suitable for web use.

About AVIF to ICO Conversion

AVIF (AV1 Image File Format) is a modern image format offering superior compression and quality with HDR and wide color gamut support.

ICO (Icon) is a specialized image format used for Windows icons and website favicons, supporting multiple sizes and color depths in a single file.

This converter transforms your AVIF images into ICO format with multiple icon sizes in a single file, handling the advanced features of AVIF appropriately.

How to Convert AVIF to ICO Images

  1. Upload your AVIF image by dragging and dropping or using the file browser
  2. Select the icon sizes you want to include (multiple sizes can be included in a single ICO file)
  3. Adjust the HDR handling option if your image has high dynamic range content
  4. Set the color gamut conversion method appropriate for your source image
  5. Adjust the quality slider to balance between appearance and file size
  6. Choose color depth and transparency options
  7. Click the "Convert to ICO" button
  8. Download your converted ICO file

ICO Conversion Options

Icon Sizes

ICO files can contain multiple icon sizes in a single file:

  • 512x512: Ultra high-resolution for Retina displays and modern OS interfaces
  • 256x256: High quality for modern displays and high-DPI screens (Windows 10/11)
  • 128x128: Good for desktop applications and folder icons
  • 64x64: Standard size for desktop icons (Windows 7 and later)
  • 48x48: Used in Windows Explorer and file views
  • 32x32: Standard size for small desktop icons and application toolbars
  • 16x16: Used for website favicons and small menu icons

AVIF-Specific Options

  • HDR Handling: Controls how high dynamic range content is processed:
    • Tone map to SDR: Intelligently maps HDR colors to the standard range
    • Clip to SDR range: Simply clips any values outside the standard range
    • Preserve bright areas: Attempts to preserve highlights but may affect appearance
  • Color Gamut: Manages wide color gamut conversion:
    • sRGB: Standard color space for web
    • Display P3: Wider gamut used in modern displays, will be converted
    • Rec. 2020: Ultra-wide gamut, will be mapped to ICO's color space
  • Enhance Small Details: Applies specialized processing to preserve fine details in small icon sizes

Quality Setting

The quality slider affects several aspects of icon generation:

  • Image Compression: Higher quality uses less compression for better details
  • Anti-aliasing: Higher quality applies better edge smoothing
  • Dithering: Higher quality uses more sophisticated color blending techniques
  • Detail Preservation: Higher quality retains more fine details when scaling

Different quality levels are recommended for different uses:

  • High Quality (90-100%): Best for application icons, desktop icons, and professional use
  • Medium Quality (75-89%): Good for website icons and general purpose use
  • Low Quality (60-74%): Suitable for small UI elements and when file size matters most

Additional Options

  • Preserve Transparency: Maintains transparent areas from the source AVIF
  • Color Depth: Controls the number of colors in your icon
  • Optimize for Web Favicon: Ensures compatibility with web browsers
  • Bundle All Sizes: Creates a single ICO file with all selected dimensions
